Yoga Therapist
Duties and
Responsibilities: Yoga Therapist needs to know the basic areas of
knowledge, skills, and experience. They help patients with their physical and
emotional health conditions. The
Yoga Therapist must be acquiescent with many different areas like health therapy,
healing and overall fitness.
Salary: They make an average of $36,900
to $66,530.
Education: The education needed to be a
Yoga therapist is to build an infrastructure in anatomy, basic, physiology, and
modern terminology. Also must complete 800 hours in basic yoga therapy programs
teaching core skill and 600 hours of contacts with patients. Lastly, to be one
you must enter a program that is required called IAYT and traditional classes
in bio and human anatomy.
Reflection: Do you think you like to be one? Why? Why
No, I would not like to be one because Yoga Places are to
calm for my cup of tea.